Donate today!
For two years, Beatrice Muyah, a Redd
School teacher, originally from Kenya, has
been doing small book drives for the small
village of Nduriri, in central Kenya where
her grandfather and father grew up.  It is
an extremely impoverished area. Children
walk miles to school, often without shoes
or food for lunch.  The two schools (about
600 students) in the area are barely
funded by the government so the families
must pay tuition, and buy uniforms.  Most
families barely make it. Books are a
luxury, even at school, so we started out
just trying to help  Beatrice by hosting a
book drive.  It's taken on a life of its own.
Redd school has done many giving things over the years. This year alone they have run two food drives, a campaign
for Toys for Tots and donated some books to a poor school in Houston. Because Beatrice is a teacher there and
everyone knows her, the kids were touched and motivated to help make a difference.

"Books are being donated by students and their families and from the "archives of gently used text books" at Redd
School.  The students have embraced this drive with a vigor I haven't seen in years.  I think it's partly because they
have a familiar face to associate with the cause." said Ellen LeBlanc, Redd School Administrator.
From Texas to Kenya:
A Lesson In Cross-Cultural Humanity
"Our students are learning geography, economics, government and a
host of other unplanned lessons and because the children are engaged,
it is truly a win-win."

Since the book drive began, we've added another element.  There is a
definite need for teacher training.  We are planning to send a team of
teachers to this small village to help their teachers learn some of the
current and standard teaching practices.  Many of the teachers are not
trained or have a teaching degree.  We can change that!

Your donations will help us ship the books, establish a library and send
a team of teachers to this village to work with their teachers.  This work
will have a life-time effect on the future of these families in Kenya, and
will open up the world and the minds of our students.  Let's invest in
educational opportunities so that these kids can learn to help

A great teacher can change the world.

Let's help them change their world!!
Everyone can do something. If you can't donate today, please
help spread the word. You can send out this link to your friends
and everyone you know on face book and twitter to let them
know you care.


Will LeBlanc

Educational Excellence In America